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With the flexible offer, travel with peace of mind. Cancellation is free of charge until 6pm on the day of arrival.
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All the pricing and availability information presented on our website is updated in real time. This way you have the guarantee of availability at the time of your reservation.
Except for non-modifiable, non-cancellable offers, cancellations are not subject to a fee if they are made within the time limit of the Booking. Cancellations after this period will be charged a fee equal to the amount of the first night.
Easy to access due to its prime location (close to the A11 & A87 highways in Angers), the Brit Hotel Angers Parc Expo - L'Acropole offers 56 modern and air-conditioned rooms.
The Angers hotel provides an all-inclusive service: rooms, a restaurant, and a free parking facility.
When spring arrives, L’Acropole unveils the charms of its terrace, garden, and outdoor swimming pool, perfect for tourists seeking relaxation.
Ideally located opposite the Angers Exhibition Center (in Saint-Sylvain d’Anjou) and near the Terra Botanica theme park, Brit Hotel Angers welcomes both business travelers and tourists. Thanks to its strategic location, the hotel offers excellent facilities for hosting professional and family events. We provide seminar room rentals, reception halls, and meeting spaces.
The hotel restaurant, set in a warm and inviting atmosphere, can accommodate up to 140 guests. The dishes prepared by our chef combine quality and freshness.
Finally, explore our pages to discover tourism in Angers and its surrounding region.
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Equipment available in rooms :
Alexandre has been involved in the life of the Angers establishment since 2009 and has climbed the different levels to become assistant director and then director since 2015.
According to him, the strongest point of his establishment is its location at the intersection of the A11 and A87 highways, which attracts a lot of traffic. In addition, the hotel is located near the Exhibition Center.
The hotel's team offers a warm welcome to its guests, who can discover and take advantage of recent outdoor facilities: the terrace, the heated swimming pool and the garden.
« An exciting profession »
« The hotel business is an exciting profession, where every day is different.
We have to be adaptable and responsive to meet the expectations of each of our customers, whether they are on a business trip or looking for a holiday.
I try to pass on this vocation and the values that come with it to the employees and interns. I often tell them to imagine themselves in the customer's shoes to help them understand them in order to serve them better.
The well-being of our clients is our priority! »
Alexandre Bourreau, manager of the Brit Hotel Angers Parc Expo.
With the flexible offer, travel with peace of mind. Cancellation is free of charge until 6pm on the day of arrival.
The Anjou area is full of good producers, farmers, wine growers, or market gardeners. Our establishment highlights them in the restaurant as well as on the buffet of our breakfast
Discover our rooms and offers for up to 5 people!
Whether you're on your way to your holiday destination or staying in Anjou, take advantage of our family-friendly offers.
Find out more about our seminar and meeting facilities for professionals.